[4] Bertinetti C., Mosley C., Jones S., Torres-Dowdall J. (In review) Robust sensory traits across light habitats: Visual signals but not receptors vary in centrarchids inhabiting distinct photic environments. Molecular Ecology [pdf]
[3] Bertinetti C., Meyer A. & Torres-Dowdall J. (2024) Visual pigment chromophore usage in Nicaraguan Midas cichlid: Phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation of cyp27c1 expression. Hydrobiologia [pdf]
[2] Bertinetti C., Härer A., Karagic N., Meyer A. & Torres-Dowdall J. (2024) Repeated Divergence in Opsin Gene Expression Mirrors Photic Habitat Changes in Rapidly Evolving Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. The American Naturalist [pdf]
[1] Bertinetti C., Samayoa A. C. & Hwang S.Y. (2019) Effects of Feeding Adults of Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) on Longevity, Oviposition, and Egg Hatchability: Insights Into Optimizing Egg Production Journal of Insect Science [pdf]
[3] Bertinetti C., Meyer A. & Torres-Dowdall J. (2024) Visual pigment chromophore usage in Nicaraguan Midas cichlid: Phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation of cyp27c1 expression. Hydrobiologia [pdf]
[2] Bertinetti C., Härer A., Karagic N., Meyer A. & Torres-Dowdall J. (2024) Repeated Divergence in Opsin Gene Expression Mirrors Photic Habitat Changes in Rapidly Evolving Crater Lake Cichlid Fishes. The American Naturalist [pdf]
[1] Bertinetti C., Samayoa A. C. & Hwang S.Y. (2019) Effects of Feeding Adults of Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) on Longevity, Oviposition, and Egg Hatchability: Insights Into Optimizing Egg Production Journal of Insect Science [pdf]